Thank You For Your Support
Please fill out the form below ASAP so we can personalize and improve your experience during our launch.
Dane Espegard
Influencer Form
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Please select ALL OF THE WAYS you are willing to help promote Dane's book:
**I'm willing to help Dane by...*
Sending an email to my email following
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Co-hosting a 15-30min Live Stream with Dane via my Facebook page
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Interviewing Dane on my podcast
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Following a recommended social media sharing campaign
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Co-hosting a webinar with Dane for my community
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Having Dane speak on stage at my live event or on my virtual stage
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I want to order bulk copies of the book, of course! (quantities of 25 - 1K+)
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Connecting Dane to some people I know that could help support him too
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I'd like to have a call with Dane's Launch team to brainstorm even more ways to help!
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We need to track our overall reach. Can you give us a sense of the size of your email list + social media reach? (We take your privacy very seriously!)*
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What is the best way to get a hold of you? (Email, Facebook messenger, Instagram messenger, Text [please provide #], Chat agent [Voxer, Telegram, WhatsApp etc], Snail mail, or Other [please explain]
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Is there someone on your team we should be communicating with instead of you? (If yes, please enter their email address here)
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Self-care time! What are some of YOUR business goals and needs in 2021 so we can collaborate and give back?
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